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US groups make pledges on climate change
Goldman Sachs 高盛(Goldman Sachs)和美国银行(Bank of America)已加入另外11家美国大型企业行列,做出一系列气候变化承诺。白宫表示,这些承诺有望至少带来1400亿美元新的绿色投资。

and Bank of America 响应奥巴马政府倡议的集团还包括苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)以及伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway),目的是彰显商界支持在今年12月联合国会议上达成一项全球气候协定的努力。

have joined 11 other large US companies to make a series of climate change pledges that the White House says could lead to at least $140bn in new green investments. 此举是白宫在巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统任期的最后阶段,为了在气候变化方面留下一份长期政治遗产而进行的努力的一部分。

Apple, Google 奥巴马希望能利用自己创造的势头来支持自己的主张,即美国必须继续采取果断行动抗击全球变暖,即使国内政坛对这一问题仍持分裂态度。

and Berkshire Hathaway 白宫称,如果这13家美国企业兑现了自己的气候变化承诺,那将建成超过1.6吉瓦的可再生能源发电装机容量,能够满足近100万家庭的用电量。

are among the groups backing an ongoing Obama administration initiative to highlight business support for efforts to seal a global climate deal at a UN meeting in December. 尚不清楚这项计划可能需要多长时间,而白宫一份关于此项倡议的资料单显示,参与企业做出的一部分承诺只是重复了早先就做过的低碳承诺。

The move is part of the administration’s push to deliver a lasting legacy on climate change in the final stretch of Barack Obama’s presidency. 然而,已接近达成2012年所设定目标——到2022年在全球清洁能源领域投融资400亿美元——的高盛,将为2025年设立更高目标。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司计划在可再生能源领域追加至多150亿美元投资,而美国铝业(Alcoa)承诺在10年内将其在美国境内的温室气体排放量降至2005年水平的一半。

Mr Obama is hoping to capitalise on the momentum he has created to bolster his case that the US must continue to take decisive action to combat global warming, even as the issue remains politically divisive at home. 其他措施包括:美国银行将在未来10年对一项环境商业计划增拨750亿美元,而苹果和谷歌将在美国及海外增加对可再生能源的投资。

More than 1.6 gigawatts of generating capacity in renewable energy would be built if the 13 US companies’ climate promises were met, the White House said, enough to power nearly 1m homes. 此外,全球大宗商品集团嘉吉(Cargill)承诺提高能源和水资源的利用效率。可口可乐(Coca-Cola)表示,到2020年将削减其饮料生产业务25%的碳足迹,而汽车制造商通用汽车(General Motors)将推广利用可再生能源,并且到2020年将废弃物数量在2010年基础上降低40%。

It is not clear how long this might take and some of the pledges made by companies involved arepeat ofearlier low carbon commitments, a White House fact sheet on the initiative reveals. 沃尔玛(Walmart)、微软(Microsoft)、百事公司(PepsiCo)和UPS也参与了此项倡议,而白宫表示,将在今年晚些时候号召新一轮的企业承诺。

However, Goldman Sachs, which is already close to meeting a goal set in 2012 to finance and invest $40bn in clean energy globally by 2022, will establish ahigher target for 2025. Berkshire Hathaway plans to invest up to $15bn more in renewables, while Alcoa, the aluminium group, will pledge to halve its US greenhouse gas emissions within 10 years, compared with their 2005 levels. 译者/陈隆祥

Among other measures, Bank of America is to increase an environmental business initiative by $75bn over the next decade, while Apple and Google will boost their renewable energy investments in the US and abroad.

In addition, Cargill, the global commodities group, has pledged to use energy and water more efficiently. Coca-Cola

says it will cut the carbon footprint of its drinks production operations by 25 per cent by 2020, while General Motors, the carmaker, is to promote the use of more renewable energy and cut waste by 40 per cent by 2020 from 2010.

Walmart, Microsoft, PepsiCo

and UPS

are also taking part in the initiative, which the White House said would be followed by another round of corporate pledges later in the year.


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